The vision of the Department of Civil Registration and Census is to become an efficient and effective organization to maintain demographic records and deliver the highest standard of civil registration and census related services.  



  1. Develop and maintain accurate and complete information on population and demography. 
  2. Develop comprehensive Civil Registration and Vital Statistics System.  
  3. Enhance the security and authentication features of Citizenship Card, Special Resident Card and other breeder documents.
  4. Ensure professional service delivery through optimal use of Information Communication and Technology.                                                                                           
  5. Provide timely, relevant and reliable demographic statistics to competent authority for evidence-based policy and decision making.


The following services are available from Dzongkhag Civil Registration and Census Office:

1     Registration of Birth 

2    Processing and Issuance of New Citizenship Card/Special Resident Card        

3    Processing and Issuance of Lost/Replacement Citizenship Card/Special Resident Card

4    Processing Name Change & Correction of Date of Birth                 

5    Processing of Census Transfer (Inter & Intra Dzongkhag Census Transfer)                  

6    Updating Individual Information of Citizen             

7    Updating Head of Household            

8    Updating Spouse Information           

9    Registration of Death

10  Issuance of Household Information              

11   Issuance of Nationality Certificate                                                                     

12  Issuance of Relationship Certificate                         

13  Verification of Regularization and Naturalization Cases

15   Issuance of Route Permit

16  (NDI) Biometric Services                             

17  Carryout Annual Census Program of Dzongkhag     



