MCC at Tashiding

Tashiding Gonor Detshen was formed in 2012 with 15 Members from Namchalla, Tashiding and Shamdolly Chewogs. The Group has been officially registered with DAMC and has got 28 active members. Entire Group Members received Dairy shed materials support from both Dzongkhag and Geog Budget. Monthly, the Group produces around 94 kgs of butter and 100kgs cheese. The Group received display fridge and other processing materials through Dzongkhag Livestock Sector which was supported by Regional Agriculture Marketing Cooperation (RAMCO), Gelephu. However, after having necessity to construct Milk Collection Center (MCC)for the Group, the Gewog Administration have an approved budget of Nu. 1.5M in FY 2019-2020 and has completed the construction.

On 6th November 2020, the MCC is inaugurated by the Gup and formally handed over to the Group. The Sales Person is also nominated. Henceforth, the Gewog Livestock Official shall monitor the MCC time to time on smooth functioning of the MCC.

Drop by the MCC to have Dairy Products. The MCC is located just 50 Meters away from the Highway.

Pema Wangchuk, Sr. Dzongkhag Livestock Officer, Dagana Dzongkhag Administration