
The Development of Information, Communication and Technologies (ICTs) and their integration with all spheres of people’s lives have become inevitable in this digital era considering the opportunities and impact it can bring to an individual’s life.  The Royal Government of Bhutan has made tremendous efforts and continues to focus on developing and improving ICT infrastructure and services. 

The ICT vision of the country is  to create an “ICT enabled knowledge society as a foundation for Gross National Happiness

The Dzongkhag ICT Sector is responsible for:

  • Managing the Local Area Networks in the Dzongkhag Administration in addition to managing the internet connectivity of 14 Community Service Centres (CSCs);
  • Updating the website content; 
  • Knowing and applying fundamental concepts, practices, procedures and existing policies and guidelines in specialized areas of information technology;
  • Facilitating the development of regional policies in the area of ICT and translation of these policies where appropriate into regional projects and work plans;
  • Participating in negotiations for software purchases with vendors; overseeing the maintenance of licenses resulting from such purchases;
  • Coordinating the development of test problems to debug the system and participating in trial runs of the systems;
  • Providing technical lead and /or supervising Assistant system administrators;
  • Evaluating product of upgraded or new technology and software, identifying strengths, weakness and potential benefits to the organization;
  • Coordinating proposals for acquisition, development and implementation of systems;
  • Installing, testing, maintaining and upgrading network operating systems software;
  • Evaluating the productivity implications of upgraded servers and analysing the computer and information needs of the organization; 
  • Advising & working with user departments to resolve specific problems or make changes in programs, computer applications, alternative programming approaches, etc; and 
  • BICMA Related works –Rural Communication Plan (mobile connectivity, Rural television services)


Staff Strength



Digital Flagship Programme

1 .Government Internet (GovNet) connectivity for Government Offices.

2. Digital Literacy Programme 

1.Government Internet (GovNet) Connectivity to Govt. Offices

Currently  14  Gewogs, 13 RNR Centres, 1 Health Centre, 2 Primary Schools were connected to GovNet.

Remaining Govt. offices and regional govt offices will be connected within 12 FYP. (2021-2022)


2. Digital Literacy Programme (2019-2023)

Any technology will be insufficient if people do not understand how to put it to effective use as part of their lives or their work, either because they are not trained to use it, or they are unable to imagine the benefits. The department is implementing a digital literacy program across the country targeting a wide segment of participates covering illiterate, semi-literate and literate society. 

As a part of digital literacy under the digital drukyul program, the Department has targeted to train 8500 non ICT professionals including the general public (monk, youth, business/officer goers, semi/illiterate society) in 12th FYP.  The main objective of the program is to enhance the digital skills of the citizen for ICT adoption and foster digital literate society.



10 Govt Offices to be connected from Dzongkhag WAN

Total 40 govt offices, 30 Govt Offices to be connected from Gewog WAN,  10  connected

8 Govt Offices to be connected from Dungkhag WAN

Local Area Network –installation of networking devices in govt offices were completed in most of the government  offices.




Staff Constraint

Cooperation from other Sectors

ICT infrastructures  no proper monitoring and  maintenance


Way Forward

Paperless workspace through best use of Gsuites/Google Space (Google Document, Google Spreadsheet, Calender, google forms, google slides,  note-keep, etc… )

Robust , Dynamic and Bilingual Website

Facilitate Documentation for each sector related data (explore digitization )

Revive Dagana eNewsletter

Automation of existing manual systems such as Attendance System, Dispatch System, and others.

ICT Literacy to public to ease digital divide.

Organize ICT events to encourage youths and public to harness the benefits of ICT.

Emergency Telecommunication Services Enhance –Space Technology –Very Small Aperture Terminal in Gewogs

Strengthen Community Service Centre in terms of internet connectivity

Acceptable Use Policy of  ICT Services to be finalized/formalize