Vision : 

Realization of a harmonious and progressive society through preservation, protection, development and promotion of the shared ideals & values and the unique cultural identity and its expressions.



– Conserve, protect, develop and promote all tangible and intangible cultural heritage.
– Support the continuity and development of significant cultural expressions.
– Manage the diverse cultural resources and ensure their sustainable development.
– Integrate cultural heritage into all areas of Dzongkhag & Gewog development.
– Support the promotion of research in culture.


  Role Profile Description of Culture officer:

1. Culture Advocate:

  1. Creates awareness on Cultural heritage laws, rules and regulations, guidelines and SOPs.
  2. Educates the public and institutions on the significance and values of cultural heritage and etiquettes.
  3. Liaises with various sectors to provide timely advice to integrate cultural heritage aspects in the areas of socio- economic development.
  4. Focuses on the strategic aspects of preserving and promoting the unique cultural values.

2. Research and Data Manager.

  1. Develops and adopts systematic approaches for the data collection process.
  2. Conducts research and investigations.
  3. Publishes research findings and shares with relevant stakeholders.
  4. Maintains accurate and complete information on all cultural heritage.
  5. Ensures digitizing and archiving of all data/records.

3. System expert (Culture)

  1. Understands and complies with laws, rules and regulations, SOPs and other relevant acts and policies of the Kingdom of Bhutan.
  2. Adheres to ethical values and upholds the interest of the nation to align the goals to contribute in realize the provisions enshrined in the constitution of the Kingdom of Bhutan.
  3. Ensures quality and the highest standard service delivery at all times to enhance client satisfaction.
  4. Manages the resources allocated to the cultural sector.


