
To promote sustainable economic growth and development in the dzongkhag.


To Strategically plan , implement and manage initiatives that stimulate economic growth, attract investment and create job opportunities in the Dzongkhag.

The economic development and marketing sector focuses on creating strategies and initiatives that foster economic growth and improve the economic well-being of a region or community. This sector involves activities that attract, retain, and expand businesses, create jobs, and enhance the overall quality of life. It also encompasses marketing efforts to promote the region as an attractive location for businesses, tourists, and residents.


Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Plays a crucial role in promoting economic growth and attracting investments the Dzongkhag.
  • Conducting market research to identify business opportunities.
  • Fostering relationship with existing businesses.
  • Collaborating with local government agencies to implement economic development initiatives.
  • Creating marketing campaigns, organizing events to showcase the Dzongkhag's economic potentials and providing support and resources to bussiness looking to establish or expand in the area.