Lhamoizingkha Gewog at a Glance 2024


Lhamoizingkha Gewog is a gewog (village block) of Dagana District, Bhutan. It also comprises part of Lhamoizingkha Dungkhag (sub-district), along with Karmaling and Nichula Gewogs.

Lhamoizingkha Gewog is one of the border Gewog under Lhamoizingkha Drungkhag in Dagana Dzongkhag.



  • Lhamoizingkha Dungkhag falls under Gelephu Mindfulness City (GMC)
  • Hydro power Project-Sunkosh
  • Centrally located sharing border with Assam and West Bengal
  • High deposit of minerals
  • High potential for tourist attraction
  • Good production of dairy, poultry, piggery and other farm products

                                                                           Chiwogs under Lhamoizingkha Gewog

  • Lhamoizingkha
  • Chongsamling
  • Kuendrelthang
  • Loongsilsa
  • Tsham-Zhi- Gosa


Area -103 Sq.Km

Household - 317

Population -2888 (as per gewog survey report)

Gungtong -  8HH

Satong - 26HH


                                                                         Name list of Gewog Staffs
